Wednesday, March 20, 2024

                                                   The Flat Earth Dome
                                                   By Wayne W Hansen

                                          Gleason's Flat Earth Map (Year 1892) 

      This map shows the Flat Earth Dome with the sun, moon, and stars inside the dome. 

                                     The oceans of the world seek their flat level

                                      The firmament is about 3100 miles above.

It seems that there is a large flat land in this material universe. My belief is that there are a hundred flat-earth-domes on this land. The demigods manage this world, and universe, for Creator. They can move populations of people from one dome to a new dome that is ready to receive people. I think there is an underground railroad that connects all the domes. The air in the tubes has been removed so there is no air resistance, and the trains are fast. The demigods have the ability to remove the memory of the persons past. The people arrive in a new world, walk into housing that was made for them, forget all about the train ride, and start a new life.  

           This picture shows a star seen through the part of the moon that is not shining. 

This flat-earth-dome model shows how the dome is sealed to the Earth. The atmosphere stays inside the Earth. The dome prevents humans from leaving this world.

Pollution from Earth rises and becomes a solid rock. The rock falls to the Earth and friction causes the meteor to burn. This object is also called a shooting star and comet.

There is a wall of ice around the edge of the world.

The sun travels west and circular at about 1000 miles per hour. The Earth does not move. The north pole is at the center. 

The sun is like a spotlight shining hot light to one area of Earth at a time. And the moon is like a spotlight shining cold light to one area at a time. 

                 The sun and moon are both about 32 miles wide and 3000 miles above.

Many people with expensive cameras are showing pictures of the stars. The stars are small lights.  

The big dipper points to the north star.  

You can go to, type in "Star Trails Around North Star", click video, and watch. The videos show the stars rotating counterclockwise around the North Star when looking up. 

With the Polar Projection map distances to any part of the world can be measured correctly.

A magnetic compass points to the magnetic north pole and not to the geographic north pole. 

When people draw lines of the rays of the sun the angle lines point to where the sun is. 
The sun is at the top of the triangle 3000 miles above the Earth.  

                     Large rockets have to curve or they will crash into the solid dome.

It seems that the tides are caused by the land near the ocean moving up and down. 

This map shows where there were large earthquakes. Earthquakes show us that large areas of land can move up, down, and sideways. 

A black object called the Eclipser causes the solar eclipse.

The Eclipser darkens the moon during a lunar eclipse.


                                                   The Flat Earth Dome                                                    By Wayne W Hansen ...